Spotlight On Chris Watson-Bell

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Welcome to another edition of our “Spotlight On” series where we get up close and personal with the people who make EVONA tick. This time, we’re chatting with Chris Watson-Bell, our Bearded Recruiter, with 2.5 years under his belt at our company, Chris has become a cornerstone of our recruitment efforts, particularly in the vibrant space economy sector.

His approach goes beyond traditional recruitment by emphasizing cultural fit and leadership qualities alongside necessary skill sets, with a knack for seeing the potential in people and a deep understanding of our clients’ needs, he helps carve out spaces where both can thrive.

Join us as Chris shares advice for those transitioning into the space economy field, and reveals his passions outside of work.


Chris, could you give us a snapshot of what your day-to-day role at EVONA entails?

Recruitment. That’s probably too short of an answer. I spend my days speaking to people either within the sector or looking to break into the sector. I’m currently working on 2 big projects for clients within Europe going through growth phases.

What are some of the key challenges you encounter when finding the perfect candidates for roles in the space economy, and how do you navigate these challenges?

Personally, I don’t buy the adage of there being ‘perfect candidates.’

Of course, every role has key skills people need to have but beyond that, it’s really getting to know the candidate & client, and seeing where people can add value beyond the hard skills. This can be with culture fit/add, eagerness to learn, or having great leadership skills to bring out the best of people already within the business.

Based on your experience, what roles are currently the most in-demand? 

  • Any sales roles – it’s great building products but unless someone can demonstrate/sell the benefits your company isn’t going to make money to grow.
  • GNC/AOCS Engineers.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to shift their career towards the space economy?

  • Connect with people in the field – me included 😉
  • Attend Space-related events.
  • Show/share your passion for the sector wherever you can.

Outside of your professional life, how do you recharge? Do any of your hobbies or passions influence how you approach your role as a recruiter?

Outside of work I’m a big football fan both playing (badly) & watching (quite often through my fingers) my team Crystal Palace. Maybe this influences my job as supporting a not-so-big team you get used to disappointment (haha). Also, I spend a lot of time with my wife & my big ginger cat Cheeto!

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