What is… Python?

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What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language, first introduced in 1991. It was developed by Guido van Rossum with a focus on readability and simplicity. This has resulted in a language that is widely used by beginners and experienced programmers alike, who appreciate its clear and concise syntax. Python has evolved over the years to become one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, and its vast library of modules and its powerful functionality have been instrumental in this success.

The language’s syntax is straightforward, making it easier for users to quickly and easily create code, regardless of their level of technical expertise. This has led to the widespread use of Python for a wide range of tasks, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. In the space industry, Python is particularly useful for analyzing satellite data, planning missions, and developing simulations. This is due to its ability to handle complex tasks and its ease of use, which allows users to quickly and efficiently process vast amounts of data.


What is Python Used For?

Python is widely used for a range of tasks, including:

  • Data analysis: when it comes to data analysis and data science, Python is a highly sought-after language, offering users a range of powerful libraries for data processing and manipulation, such as NumPy and Pandas.
  • Web development: Python’s frameworks, such as Django and Flask, are widely used for web development, providing developers with the necessary tools to create and deploy high-performance web applications.
  • Machine learning: the use of Python in machine learning and artificial intelligence is well established, with its libraries, including TensorFlow and PyTorch, streamlining the process of building and training ML models.
  • Finance: with its comprehensive suite of tools for data analysis, algorithmic trading, and risk management, it’s no wonder Python has become an indispensable tool in the finance industry.
  • Science and research: in the scientific and research community, Python continues to be a popular choice, equipped with libraries for scientific computing, such as NumPy and SciPy, and data visualization, including Matplotlib, which provide researchers with the tools they need to analyze data and communicate results effectively.

Python’s versatility is one of its greatest strengths, and this is especially true in the space industry. Python can be used for a wide range of tasks, from data analysis to mission planning, and everything in between. In the space industry, Python is used to analyze satellite data, plan missions, and develop simulations. The language’s functionality and ease of use make it ideal for these tasks, allowing users to quickly and efficiently process vast amounts of data.


Python vs JavaScript

While both Python and JavaScript are popular programming languages, they are used for different purposes. JavaScript is primarily used for front-end web development, while Python is used for a wide range of tasks, including back-end web development, scientific computing, and data analysis. One of the key differences between the two languages is their syntax, with Python known for its clear and concise code. This makes it easier for those with less technical backgrounds to learn and use, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced programmers.

Another key difference between the two languages is the type of applications they are best suited for. JavaScript is primarily used for web development, while Python is used for a wide range of applications, including data analysis and scientific computing. In the space industry, Python is the go-to choice for professionals who are looking to analyze satellite dataand develop simulations, while JavaScript is not commonly used. Additionally, Python has a larger and more robust library of modules and functions, which makes it a more powerful and versatile language overall.


A Career in Python

Python is a fantastic career option that offers numerous exciting prospects for proficient professionals who aspire to succeed in the space sector and beyond. As Python is increasingly being used across multiple industries, it has become an indispensable skill that can give you a competitive edge in today’s job market. So if you’re looking for a lucrative career that can offer stability and growth, Python is a great choice. To get ahead of the curve in this competitive industry, check out our Python Space Skills Focus.

Some of the most popular career paths for Python professionals include:
  • Software development: this is the most traditional career path for Python programmers. As a software developer, you would be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications.
  • Data science: Python is a popular language for data science and is widely used for tasks such as data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. Data scientists use Python to process and analyze large amounts of data, build predictive models, and create data-driven insights.
  • Web development: Python can also be used for web development, either by itself or in combination with other technologies such as Django or Flask. Web developers use Python to build and maintain dynamic websites and web applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Python is widely used in the field of AI and machine learning. AI professionals use Python to develop and implement algorithms that allow machines to learn from data and make predictions.
  • DevOps: Python is often used for automation and system administration tasks in the DevOps space. DevOps engineers use Python to automate the deployment, testing, and monitoring of software applications.
  • Networking: Python is also used for networking and system administration tasks. Network engineers and system administrators use Python to automate and manage networks, servers, and other IT infrastructure.

These are just a few of the many career paths that involve Python. The versatility of the language means that there are many other potential career paths for Python professionals, depending on your interests and skills.


Python Career Salary Guidelines

  • Entry-level Python developer – $73,551
  • Mid-level Python developer – $117,157
  • Senior Python developer – $186,61


Geographic Hotspots for Python

  • Bengaluru
  • San Francisco Bay
  • New York
  • Delhi
  • Hyderabad

With its ease of use and large library of modules, Python provides a wide range of opportunities for those who are proficient in the language. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, learning Python is a smart career move that can open up a world of possibilities. Start learning Python today and join the growing number of experts who are shaping the future of the space industry.


Check out our space careers page to start your Python career journey today.

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